When you have a need to serve up files using http. You can do so with http-server do this with npx http-server.
Sharpening My Tools Part 2
Developing an iOS application is full of small bits of repetitive tasks. When you develop User Interface in code, you must create and handle constraints in code. Depending on what you have to do this could become extremely repetitive and complicated. You can write each constraint yourself, but this gets […]
Sharpening My Tool Part 1
I’ve been working on a full fledged pdf reader application for iOS. During the process of developing for this I have wanted to use Icons from Font Awesome; as buttons in the app. Apple’s iOS doesn’t like SVG files or the font awesome font files, to work around this I’ve […]
Unity Custom Editor
This week I have been working on a Unity custom editor, with the goal of making meshes easier to work with. It made sense to show this editor for the MeshFilter type, since that’s the script unity uses to store the Mesh object on. Anytime the MeshFilter selected in the […]
Tool Spotlight: https://app.quicktype.io
Today I had to make Swift structs for the datatypes that are returned from an API. This is usually a rather time consuming process, especially for large data sources. I found this really simple yet helpful tool that takes json objects and converts it to usable structures that you can […]