Sometimes you just have to do a workaround when systems aren’t doing what they are supposed to, I have been building this API proxy for Weather Driver. Dokku / NGINX wasn’t passing the proper headers to my server, so I had to do a workaround. The work around I came […]
iOS , Swift , Weather Driver
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Converting a callback function to async await in Swift
Occasionally you will need to convert a callback based function to an async/await function. One example of this is below, calculating a map route appears to be only available as a callback based one. Below is an example of how to convert it to an async function. This code is […]
iOS , MapKit , Node.js , Swift , Weather Driver , WeatherKit
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Weather Driver
My current personal project is codenamed Weather Driver. This is an iOS application targeted at Truck Drivers and other people who travel on the road. This application will allow them to better plan their trip around the weather. You will be able to enter your destination, chose a route, and […]