Android , Android Bootcamp

Android Bootcamp [Day 4]

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Today we have another class session later, but I’m reviewing some of the sample code. If you wanna create a date for sample code easy way to do that is Instant.parse(“yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ”) That would be ISO 8601. Chapter 6 of the book: goes into interaction for the app MVI: Model View […]

Android , Android Bootcamp

Android Bootcamp [Day 3]

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Today I’m working thru the Your First Kotlin Android App: An App From Scratch which can be found on Kodeco’s website. When you have a slider you can use inclusive range by only using two dots between two numbers Also 32.sp is 32 scale points, a font size measurement. Making […]

Android , Android Bootcamp

Android Bootcamp [Day 2]

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Today I’ve been working thru chapter 3 of the book. Chapter 3 covered a lot. Chapter 3 started off by discussing Activities. MainActivity extends ComponentActivity. The entry point to MainActivity is configured in the AndroidManifest, and calls the onCreate function. ComponentActivity defines a version of this function that is then […]